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The Christian Academy



圣经教导基督徒“一切都要为荣耀神而行”(哥林多前书10:31),并重视“纯洁”的事物...值得称道的...卓越...and worthy of praise" (Philippians 4:8). 因此, 所有学生都应该在上课时间遵守部门特定手册(可以在家庭门户网站上访问)中详细的着装规范, 在校园里, and during any field trips unless directed otherwise. 学生是否遵守着装要求主要是家长的责任. 

Special dress days (i.e. spirit days, dress down) will be announced by division leads as desired. All tops including jackets and sweaters worn by students in our Preschool, 小学, 中间, and 高中 are to be purchased from The Cru Stop, TCA’s school uniform store. The Cru Stop is located on the main level of our campus in Room 208. The school store is open on Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 7:45am to 8:10am. 

女学生可以穿黑色、海军蓝或卡其色的裙子、短裤或裤子. Male students are permitted to wear 短裤 or 裤子 in black, 海军, or 卡其色. Families are free to purchase uniform bottoms outside of the The Cru Stop.

The Christian Academy Dress Code